CNN: Lou Dobbs Tonight
7/28/2009 11:50pm
... the president when he was a senator-elect thought george w. bush was rushing things through and intimidating congress and now as president he wants things passed by august 1st. at least the one i pose. i'm saying to you that either there are details that the ...
MSNBC: Hardball With Chris Matthews
7/28/2009 11:43pm
... in the bush/gore fight there was a legitimate legal fight over whether ballots should have been counted or not. there is absolutely no doubt about barack obama's birth certificate. there's no dispute about this. which is why all you guys voted for it last night. no, i completely agree with that. ...
MSNBC: Hardball With Chris Matthews
7/28/2009 11:42pm
... controversy at all. what's in the water out there? well, i don't know. i think you saw it, some on the left, after the bush/gore race back in 2000. some who called bush the illegitimate president for quite ...
CNN: Lou Dobbs Tonight
7/28/2009 11:32pm
... most americans still blame president bush for the economy. but a larger and larger share are starting to place the blame on president obama. there are other concerns. health care weighing in on it. ultimately comes back to the economy. your thoughts? ...
MSNBC: Hardball With Chris Matthews
7/28/2009 11:26pm
... with books in their hands. they were thinking all the time. can you get ahead with just pure style and pizzaz in politics. george w. bush. you said it, buddy. no, i think when he got this there he said -- i read three shakespeares this summer. ...
MSNBC: Hardball With Chris Matthews
7/28/2009 11:01pm
... guy who had a fake southern accent, george bush. george bush, we've got to bring up george bush. george bush was actually a elected -- 15% unemployment, bring up the guy who helped bring that to bear. i'm bringing up the governor from michigan who's running that ...
FOX News: Special Report With Bret Baier
7/28/2009 10:52pm
... a, because if you run a good news story, it's a retroactive indication of the bush administration and nobody in the press wants that. if you run a bad news story, it is a story that might imply that obama is losing the war already won, but a third ...
CNN: The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer
7/28/2009 10:43pm
... the same proofed true for bill clinton. when you look back at it, you see under george h.w. bush, a recovery had started. as far as voters were concerned, the economy was bad. so when everybody began to see that the economy was getting ...
CNN: The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer
7/28/2009 10:42pm
... is he at fdr level or is he at bill clinton level. is he at jimmy carter? is he at george w. bush, ronald reagan? with the economy? not being really in control. he is dealing with a different ...
CNBC: Mad Money
7/28/2009 10:39pm
... trying to criticize people who voted for obama, george w. bush had an awful economic record, he built the government very big, as well. so it's not a democrat versus republican thing. i'm looking for another ronald reagan to come along. well, can you give me -- if _ ...
CNN: The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer
7/28/2009 10:38pm
... that have gotten ed kr it for bringing the u.s. back from an economic black hole, think fdr or president reagan. others have been blamed for downturns like president cartter and george w. bush. president obama told nbc that if ...
FOX News: Special Report With Bret Baier
7/28/2009 10:21pm
... what sort of care do you want? when the bush administration expanded medicare reimbursement to cover hospice care, which is less expensive than hospital care, hospice use grew 240%. studies show people prefer hospice care but owe firms are ...
MSNBC: The Ed Show
7/28/2009 10:15pm
... baucus. max baucus has repeatedly checked his values at the door. when he voted with the bush administration on the managed care bill that provides a windfall for for-profit insurers and for pharma. when he voted for tax cuts for ...
CNN: The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer
7/28/2009 9:59pm
... reporter: we have all said things stupidly the time i called former president nixon, president reagan. i have been called worse than that. reporter: and president bush has said more than that. too many ob/gyn's aren't able ...
MSNBC: Hardball With Chris Matthews
7/28/2009 9:43pm
... exclusively, but mostly on the right. it's unfortunate. it just kind of cheapens the debate. hey, chris -- congressman andrews, your thoughts? i respect jeff very much. i think that's a ridiculous comparison. in the bush/gore fight there was a legitimate legal fight over ...
MSNBC: Hardball With Chris Matthews
7/28/2009 9:42pm
... there? well, i don't know. i think you saw it, some on the left after the bush/gore race back in 2000. some who called bush the illegitimate president for quite a bill after that. you're seeing it here, not ...
FOX News: Glenn Beck
7/28/2009 9:37pm
... bills. or was that george bush that was doing that? i can't tell anybody apart anymore. by the way, did you get your vip mortgage yet? no? oh, well, you're not one of the 'it' people. according to the associated press, despite their protests, ...
FOX News: Glenn Beck
7/28/2009 9:36pm
... senator. not president obama, senator-elect obama. a 2004 interview with air america's randy rhoades, where senator elect obama complains about the bush administration. ...
CNN: The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer
7/28/2009 9:33pm
... by george w. bush and the vice president when he was in the bush administration. enough to go to the u.n. for president. very angry being misled when he went up to give that speech at the u.n. said that publicly. ...
CNN: The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer
7/28/2009 9:32pm
... he is one of the few republicans that can go out there and reach independents and the reason he hurt republicans is because republicans love the guy a lot. he is a well respected part of the bush administration. when you see colin powell expressing concerns about the obama health care plan, that ...
CNN: The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer
7/28/2009 9:29pm
... i want them to get rid of nuclear weapons, president bush used to say all the time there is a better life and world waiting for you if you get rid of these weapons but they are not prepared to make that step, they are not yet confident that we really aren't committed to ...
MSNBC: Hardball With Chris Matthews
7/28/2009 9:26pm
... magazines, they were thoughtful people that went to bed at night with books in their hands. can you get ahead with just pure style and pizzaz in politics. george w. bush. you said it, buddy. no, i think when he got this ...
CNN: The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer
7/28/2009 9:05pm
... costs. in 2006, the city had anti-terror funds cut under the bush administration that caused an uproar. this time around, new york's mayor says while he is frustrated, maybe it is a compliment that new york didn't get grant money because its crime rate is down. a compliment we got left out, ...
MSNBC: Hardball With Chris Matthews
7/28/2009 9:00pm
... ronald reagan was presidents had pretty high approval ratings for a large portion of their presidencies. but the last couple of presidents, bill clinton, george w. bush, and barack obama we've seen the first few months hovering in the 40s. ...
MSNBC: Hardball With Chris Matthews
7/28/2009 9:00pm
... comparison/contrast society, how the numbers we're seeing from this president compare to where george bush was around the same time? when gallup started first doing its polling around the truman administration, one that was interesting from truman to ...
7/28/2009 8:03pm
... terrorists among us. the suspect in north carolina are just the latest of alleged faces of home grown terror. just yesterday a virginia man was resentenced to life in prison after plotting with al qaeda to kill george w. bush. ...
FOX News: The Live Desk
7/28/2009 6:54pm
... george bush increased the funding in 2004 significantly. there is an increase of $300 million again this year. they have a $2.2 billion budget to try to control every food and drug safety concern in the ...
7/28/2009 6:18pm
... sonia sotomayor's confirmation? i certainly hope so. i expect that will be the case. habit half dozen years ago former president bush nominated john roberts to be our chief justice of the supreme court. i along with 21 other democrats ...
MSNBC: Andrea Mitchell Reports
7/28/2009 5:41pm
... to win the presidency, without 40% of that vote. bush got 44% when he was narrowly re-elected in 2004. mccain got about 35%. i think the republican party, by taking pat's position on ...
MSNBC: Andrea Mitchell Reports
7/28/2009 5:41pm
... about the fact that tim kaine is speaking to la rozza today and not a single republican is going to speak to them. are they shooting themselves in the foot? yeah. i think george bush was very effective in reaching out for the hispanic vote. it's very hard for a republican ...
CNBC: Power Lunch
7/28/2009 5:11pm
... jen, boeing, anheuser bush, general mills. let me start with the second question. are we seeing deals that don't involve government stimulus money? not really. i think the stimulus moan may be helping the economy to a certain ...
CNN: CNN Newsroom
7/28/2009 4:38pm
... with the middle east. the top american diplomat, george mitchell, charged into the region on saturday, not starting the trip with a visit to the u.s.' staunchest ally, israel, rather beginning with syria. the bush administration considered syria a renegade ...
FOX News: Happening Now
7/28/2009 4:25pm
... communications adviser to senator john kerry and former bush-cheney spokesperson. olympia snowe and max baucus, two principal players, a republican and democrat, met this morning to figure out a way ...
CNN: CNN Newsroom
7/28/2009 3:47pm
... strategist and former adviser to hillary clinton's presidential campaign. maria, good to see you. thanks for your time this morning. nice to be here. ron christy, former domestic policy adviser in the second bush white house. ron, good to see you, as always. always a pleasure. ron, let's get ...
7/28/2009 3:45pm
... back. this is a new wedge issue? we saw in 2004 and some argue in subsequent elections the issue of same-sex marriages became a hot button political issue and some say it helped george bush get back into the white house in ...
FOX News: Happening Now
7/28/2009 3:38pm
... deal. can you describe to me at this time how close your? we probably have five or six not-easy items. but bush -- we have a big item ...
CNBC: The Call
7/28/2009 3:02pm
... the ceo of teva will join us to talk about his companies' earnings. and i'm melissa francis, the commodities trading commission in a reversal from the bush ...
CNBC: Squawk on the Street
7/28/2009 2:49pm
... warns us about the consequence of inaction on health care reform. but first, melissa francis, what's coming up. at the top of the hours, the cftc on a reversal from the bush administration now blaming oil ...
CNN: American Morning
7/28/2009 12:59pm
... bush said too many obgyns aren't able to practice their love with women across america. and we all said what? what did he just say? wow, he was misunderestimated there. president obama, by the way, ...
FOX News: FOX and Friends
7/28/2009 12:34pm
... united states. here he is on radio in 2004 talking about how the bush administration trying to do just what his administration is being accused of right now. when you rush these budgets that are a foot high and nobody has any idea what's in them and ...
FOX News: FOX and Friends
7/28/2009 12:18pm
... the bush administration was rushing through legislation without lawmakers getting the time to read the bill or have debate. why does that seem so familiar to me? i saw that segment. it was great, and of course they are flooding the zone to use the football analogy, putting so ...
CNBC: Squawk Box
7/28/2009 12:13pm
... went in near cardiac arrest, all he had to do -- that just turned people against republicans generically because bush was in the white house, so all obama had to do was show up on election day, do well in the debate, which he did, and he would win. he was smart enough not to get ...
CNBC: Squawk Box
7/28/2009 11:44am
... president bush is the one one who warned about fannie and freddie and ignored for three straight years. president clinton warned in 198 and 199 and democrats ignored it. a tremendous market was created and -- steve liesman will tell us ...
CNBC: Squawk Box
7/28/2009 11:44am
... problem is another step of the government and a political theory -- people say that doesn't hold water. it was the securitization of all these -- that happened longer. along with the aaa rating -- and president bush saying 70% of society -- that happened later. _ ...
CNBC: Squawk Box
7/28/2009 11:44am
... democrats, clinton and bush who tried to prevent it. we had people like barney frank and chris dodd putting tremendous pressure on. give people these homes. banks aren't going to loan money to people who have no assets unless they are forced to do it by the government. i think the subprime mortgage ...
FOX News: FOX and Friends
7/28/2009 10:42am
... if i'm liked. now, you know what? that sounds a lot like what george bush may have said. he said he didn't look at the poll numbers either. that might be a good statement. unfortunately the trust level is also at a record low for her. that's right. it's interesting that the woman who actually ...
CNBC: Squawk Box
7/28/2009 10:08am
... it politicized. the bush administration found no speculators, the obama administration is finding speculator? so you're agreeing with the old report? i don't know. who knows. do you know? i don't know. you know i think oil should ...
CNBC: Squawk Box
7/28/2009 10:06am
... chilton says was now based on flawed data. one was the bush administration saying no speculators. the obama administration says there are speculators in london, the financial services authority, the biggest one, they ...
FOX News: The OReilly Factor
7/28/2009 9:52am
... 1% more liked us when bush was in office. finally, check 6, if you watch local news on television, you know in some places things are totally out of control. come on, what -- you are having game, tyler. get it. ...
FOX News: The OReilly Factor
7/28/2009 9:52am
... study 69% of the british now like us compared to 53% under president bush. in france 75% now like the usa as opposed to 42% a year ago. buff they still hate us in pakistan. just 16% like america. ...
FOX News: The OReilly Factor
7/28/2009 9:09am
... presidency, anybody, george washington, teddy roosevelt, it doesn't matter, they are stunned for a year. i mean, nobody can possibly understand, juan, the completion city of the job. however, when george w. bush ...
FOX News: Special Report With Bret Baier
7/28/2009 8:47am
... something like that, that would be different. he has just repeated these talking points and he doesn't seem to be kind of advancing the argument. bret: he has had four primetime news conferences. p president bush had four primetime news conferences over eight years. it is not only the tactics. ...
FOX News: Special Report With Bret Baier
7/28/2009 8:35am
... century, which makes it as important as any bilateral relationship in the world. the annual meeting brings together hundreds of u.s. and chinese officials who attended four separate gatherings of the bush administration, twice a year meetings on economic an strategic issues. ...
FOX News: Red Eye
7/28/2009 7:52am
... usa as opposed to 42% a year ago. buff they still hate us in pakistan. just 16% like america. 1% more liked us when bush was in office. finally, check 6, if you watch local news on television, you ...
FOX News: Red Eye
7/28/2009 7:52am
... too. i just thought you would like to know. check 5. they like us better overseas now that president obama is in office. according to a new pew research study 69% of the british now like us compared to 53% under president bush. in france 75% now like the ...
FOX News: Red Eye
7/28/2009 7:09am
... washington, teddy roosevelt, it doesn't matter, they are stunned for a year. i mean, nobody can possibly understand, juan, the completion city of the job. however, when george w. bush became president, he had karl ...
FOX News: Glenn Beck
7/28/2009 6:59am
... going on with bush administration, and now obama administration, and now i have had some dark days where i thought our country is just not going to make t i have a renewed sense of optimism right now and i want to invite you to read the free e-mail newsletter all this week at ...
FOX News: Glenn Beck
7/28/2009 6:28am
... match their social security numbers, you get a letter, and the bush administration ratcheted up enforcement saying you also have to make certain changes to make sure you are hiring only legal workers, and that you don't have a bunch of illegal aliens on your payroll. the obama administration ...
FOX News: Glenn Beck
7/28/2009 6:27am
... that is happening but here is another example. the withdrawl of the no-match rule. now, one of the rules that the bush administration passed is a rule that says if you're an employer and the social security administration detects that you got a bunch of employees whose names don't ...
FOX News: Glenn Beck
7/28/2009 6:26am
... by one. they say, no, we're going after the employers. well, you should go after both. let's take number one, the end of work site enforcement. there has been a dramatic increase during the bush administration years. fiscal year 2002, there were ...
FOX News: Glenn Beck
7/28/2009 6:25am
... attorney general john ashcroft. chris, why is this a problem? isn't this the same thing that george bush has done in the past? well, every administration, when they come in, they have the authority to make administrative changes, issue regulations that are within the four corners of existing ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 5:58am
... the bush -- what do you interpret it to be? his world view? all political gaffs by necessity now in historical context b.p. or a.p. before palin or after palin. even play stump the candidate if you want to. ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 5:58am
... i went to an antipalin rally and a hockey game broke out. the sarah palin interview. and iraq, everywhere such as. i'm sorry. wrong tape. do you agree with the bush doctrine? in what respect, charlie? ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 5:43am
... serious back lash. i mean, consider the fact that in his office at that time he already knew about these other unlawful programs. and now you have dick cheney coming in and saying, why don't we start sending soldiers into cities rolling down the streets? i think that perhaps george bush ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 5:43am
... of the constitution. what understanding he did have he had a very antagonistic relationship to it. i think maybe george bush the politician realized that all this stuff was ramping up so fast that he was risking a ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 5:43am
... did this, whether he views this as politically too unpredictable or whether he did it truly out of constitutional concerns or traditional concerns or whether he simply didn't want to override the fbi. what's clear from his history is that george bush had very little understanding of the limitations ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 5:43am
... libertarians this is like darth vader saying take my helmet off, son. i'm with you. whether he, you know, there is some question of why george bush ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 5:42am
... that can't be true in a nation committed to the rule of law. jonathan, let's go back to what you said about president bush, the one man standing in the way of this. doesn't it seem the hero of this particular episode of dick cheney's assault on the rule of law was no one other than george w. bush? ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 5:41am
... saying in its memo that the 4th amendment wouldn't control and literally sending active troops into a u.s. city. and that came within one vote. that one vote was george bush, who is not exactly people's choice as a defender of civil liberties. if cheney had won this ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 5:38am
... power to use the military for law enforcement. no problem. john yu, who created the legal justification for torture when the bush administration asked him to, crafted a memo saying not only does the president have the right to deploy the military ...
CNN: Anderson Cooper 360
7/28/2009 5:34am
... on the tape released today clearly she says nothing of the sort. wendy murphy, a former prosecutor and spokesman for ms. wailen. boy watkins, finance professor at syracuse university and author of 'what if george bush were a black man?' jeffrey toobin joins us as well. ...
FOX News: Greta Van Susteren
7/28/2009 5:17am
... know what i am seeing.' the bush was described as being in front of her view. the men she saw had their backs to her, so she was very clear that she could not really tell ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 5:09am
... skully who had been a bush speechwriter in the white house. you remember that some of those speeches president bush gave especially around the time of 9/11 were really eloquent, good speeches. and he wrote her a barn burner for that convention. you're right. ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 5:03am
... born in the united states. do you think there is a question here? i think there are questions. we'll wait and see. just when you thought dick cheney couldn't shock you anymore, we learned that he pushed george w. bush to ...
MSNBC: Hardball With Chris Matthews
7/28/2009 4:46am
... over the government. there are enough of them particularly in the internet age where they can be something of a force in politics and one the republicans have to watch out for. you are great. ken, i'm falling in love. you're great. you have reminded me of all the erogenous zones of insanity in one ...
MSNBC: The Rachel Maddow Show
7/28/2009 3:54am
... guardian is just absurd. no one is above the rule of law, said bush. ashcroft was the person to say it. actually. makes me cough out the words 'geneva conventions.' ...
MSNBC: The Rachel Maddow Show
7/28/2009 3:54am
... cheney's view, were the right ideas. the ones history will affirm is right. at this point you've got, i think, open warfare. a lot of this bush assort of the propitious constitutional ...
MSNBC: The Rachel Maddow Show
7/28/2009 3:54am
... explicitly attacking the president for not pardoning scooter libby, closing guantanamo, torture regime, why is cheney overtly attacking bush now? cheney thinks he was right and that bush peeled back the extra legal stuff and cheney ...
MSNBC: The Rachel Maddow Show
7/28/2009 3:53am
... what happened here was a deniability strategy. they talked through all the key issues and bush unleashed his cheney. i don't want to know the details, i want to know the top line. then bush becomes deniable if ...
MSNBC: The Rachel Maddow Show
7/28/2009 3:53am
... it's going on as long as cheney keeps it going. cheney is fighting his own battles, bush has unnamed senior bush officials fighting in his name. ...
MSNBC: The Rachel Maddow Show
7/28/2009 3:53am
... do you think this is the george w. bush legacy project at word? it's two. the cheney legacy project versus the bush legacy project. it's an extraordinary thing to watch. it's like the ali-frazier fight. ...
MSNBC: The Rachel Maddow Show
7/28/2009 3:52am
... protection anti-croneyism protector of the rule of law. the george bush legacy project is full effect and the strategy is to blame cheney for all the worst stuff. joining us now is ron suskind author of the book 'the way of the world.' ...
MSNBC: The Rachel Maddow Show
7/28/2009 3:52am
... argued it would be worth a try to test it to see how it works out. 'several top bush aides argued firmly against the proposal to use the military, and mr. bush ended up ordering the fbi to make the arrests in lackawanna.' the case being made in the press right now by lots of unnamed former senior ...
FOX News: The OReilly Factor
7/28/2009 3:52am
... usa as opposed to 42% a year ago. buff they still hate us in pakistan. just 16% like america. 1% more liked us when bush was in office. finally, check 6, if you watch local news on television, you ...
FOX News: The OReilly Factor
7/28/2009 3:52am
... too. i just thought you would like to know. check 5. they like us better overseas now that president obama is in office. according to a new pew research study 69% of the british now like us compared to 53% under president bush. in france 75% now like the ...
MSNBC: The Rachel Maddow Show
7/28/2009 3:47am
... heels with reports that bush was protecting america from cheney the whole time. got that? bush protected us from his own administration. that's the argument they're asking us to swallow. a pulitzer prize winning author ...
MSNBC: The Rachel Maddow Show
7/28/2009 3:47am
... understand better after i talked to you about them. thanks for coming on the show tonight, sir. appreciate it. the new weird battle royale between george bush and dick cheney over who gets the less icky legacy rages on. after taking the fight to his former boss in the early round cheney is knocked ...
CNN: Anderson Cooper 360
7/28/2009 3:36am
... on the tape released today clearly she says nothing of the sort. wendy murphy, a former prosecutor and spokesman for ms. watkins. professor watkins author of 'what if george bush were a black man' and jeffrey toobin as ...
FOX News: The OReilly Factor
7/28/2009 3:09am
... presidency, anybody, george washington, teddy roosevelt, it doesn't matter, they are stunned for a year. i mean, nobody can possibly understand, juan, the completion city of the job. however, when george w. bush ...
MSNBC: The Rachel Maddow Show
7/28/2009 3:02am
... really, really, really small. we'll also be joined by pulitzer prize winner ron suskind. he'll be here to play by play the latest round in the most unexpected republican political boxing match ever. george w. bush versus dick ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 2:58am
... and iraq, everywhere such as. i'm sorry. wrong tape. do you agree with the bush doctrine? in what respect, charlie? the bush -- what do you interpret it to be? his world view? all political gaffs by ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 2:44am
... cities rolling down the streets? i think that perhaps george bush realized that could be a bridge too far. jonathan turley of george washington university, thanks for joining us. thanks, lawrence. ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 2:43am
... what's clear from his history is that george bush had very little understanding of the limitations of the constitution. what understanding he did have he had a very antagonistic relationship to it. i think maybe george bush the politician realized that all ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 2:43am
... whether he, you know, there is some question of why george bush did this, whether he views this as politically too unpredictable or whether he did it truly out of constitutional concerns or traditional concerns or whether he simply didn't want to override the fbi. ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 2:43am
... doesn't it seem the hero of this particular episode of dick cheney's assault on the rule of law was no one other than george w. bush? i mean, really, for civil libertarians this is like darth vader saying take my helmet off, son. i'm with you. ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 2:42am
... simply declaring his motivation against national security he transcends the constitution in our laws. that can't be true in a nation committed to the rule of law. jonathan, let's go back to what you said about president bush, the one man standing in the way of this. ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 2:41am
... that one vote was george bush, who is not exactly people's choice as a defender of civil liberties. if cheney had won this argument in the white house and they had done this, sent troops into lackawanna to make an arrest, what would the legal ramifications have been? ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 2:39am
... john yu, who created the legal justification for torture when the bush administration asked him to, crafted a memo saying not only does the president have the right to deploy the military inside the u.s. but also we further believe that the use of ...
FOX News: Greta Van Susteren
7/28/2009 2:17am
... the bush was described as being in front of her view. the men she saw had their backs to her, so she was very clear that she could not really tell too much about what was going on, but the most important part of the store, greta, is that she ...
MSNBC: Countdown With Keith Olbermann
7/28/2009 2:09am
... republican convention? yeah. and has she given a good speech since then? you know, her speech at the republican convention was written by a guy named matthew skully who had been a bush speechwriter in the white house. you remember that some of those speeches president bush gave ...