Chyron Browser
Below is a visual dashboard summary of the chyron text overlays of BBC, CNN, MSNBC and Fox News for the specified date, based on a special research-grade reprocessing of the Internet Archive's Television News Archive "Third Eye" chyron dataset. Each row represents one minute and displays the recognized chyron text onscreen during that minute, with a link to the video clip. Blank cells mean no text was recognized during that minute and OCR error means substantial gibberish may be seen below. You can also download the data directly. Displays work best in Google Chrome.
All visualizations are powered by the GDELT Project's Research Chyrons Dataset that reprocesses the OCR from the Internet Archive's Television News Archive "Third Eye" chyron dataset into a new research-grade dataset that includes the complete visible chyron text OCR'd by the Archive for each minute. Advanced users can download the underlying TSV datasets directly, with both per-minute and per-second versions available.