Teknologi PLTU di Indonesia Mampu Serap Target Co - firing Biomassa   lestari.kompas.com
 2 months ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
PLN NTT ; Penggunaan biomassa PLTU Bolok capai 900 persen   kupang.antaranews.com
 2 months ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
Greenvolt vai investir até 50 milhões em nova central de biomassa em Portugal   jornaldenegocios.pt
 4 weeks ago ()
Portuguese    Portugal
Biomasa je dobra alternativa fosilnim gorivima   net.hr
 1 month ago ()
Croatian    Croatia
Biomassa Papua : Solusi Energi Berkelanjutan dan Ramah Lingkungan   jayapura.pikiran-rakyat.com
 1 month ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
Reconstruction of a genome - scale metabolic model and in - silico flux analysis of Aspergillus tubingensis : a non - mycotoxinogenic citric acid - producing fungus | Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts   biotechnologyforbiofuels.biomedcentral.com
 1 month ago ()
English    United States
PLN EPI - RAE Teken MoU Pemanfaatan Limbah Perkebunan untuk Biomassa di Lampung   ekbis.sindonews.com
 2 months ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
Feasibility study on heterotrophic utilization of galactose by Chlorella sorokiniana and promotion of galactose utilization through mixed carbon sources culture | Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts   biotechnologyforbiofuels.biomedcentral.com
 1 week ago ()
English    United States
Solid Biomass Feedstock Market to Witness Growth Acceleration   openpr.com
 2 months ago ()
English    United States
Biofuels Market Size Is Set To Grow By USD 26 . 6 Billion From 2024 - 2028 , Increased Adoption Of Renewable Sources Of Energy To Boost The Market Growth , ...   menafn.com
 1 month ago ()
English    Qatar
Linking leaf elemental traits to biomass across forest biomes in the Himalayas   phys.org
 2 months ago ()
English    United States
Keren , Batang Singkong Disulap jadi Bahan Bakar Pembangkit Listrik Pengganti Batu Bara   liputan6.com
 2 months ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
专家 : 应进一步明确生物质能开发利用的政策导向 _ 东方财富网   finance.eastmoney.com
 2 months ago ()
Chinese    China
Experts see big role for biomass in energy   usa.chinadaily.com.cn
 1 month ago ()
English    China
Emiten Cinta Laura OASA Catat Kenaikan Pendapatan 121 % Kuartal I / 2024   market.bisnis.com
 1 month ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
Resmi , Berikut Rincian Harga BBM Pertamina per 1 Juni 2024   kompas.com
 1 month ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
生物质炭成就有机水稻碳汇 第一拍 _ 中国网   food.china.com.cn
 2 months ago ()
Chinese    China
电波吸收体 : TDK推出采用生物质材料的环境可持续电波吸收体   finance.sina.com.cn
 1 month ago ()
Chinese    China
Inilah Rincian Harga BBM Pertamina per 1 Juli 2024   kompas.com
 3 weeks ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
Komitmen PLN EPI Menuju NZE 2060 , Biomassa Melalui Co - Firing Dimaksimalkan , Produksi Energi Bersih Meningkat   jateng.jpnn.com
 3 days ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
Exxon Mobil : Can ships run on biofuel - MarketScreener   marketscreener.com
 1 month ago ()
Olah Sampah jadi Biomassa , Pemkab Banyumas Gandeng Pihak Lain   lensabanyumas.pikiran-rakyat.com
 2 weeks ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
DOE mandates raising biodiesel blend to 3 % starting this October   businessmirror.com.ph
 2 months ago ()
English    Philippines
Ellos creen que la biomasa tiene potencial   lavozdegalicia.es
 4 weeks ago ()
Spanish    Spain
Asterion lanza tres procesos de venta valorados en cerca de 2 . 500 millones   eleconomista.es
 2 months ago ()
Spanish    Spain
Drax work with major firms on ships fuelled by woodchips   yorkpress.co.uk
 2 months ago ()
English    United Kingdom
Qué es la biomasa   ecoticias.com
 2 months ago ()
Spanish    Spain
PLN EPI Gandeng RAE Bangun Ekosistem Biomassa Kerakyatan untuk Net Zero Emission 2060   lampost.co
 2 months ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
eKapija | Drakulić : Cela Srbija bi mogla da se greje na biomasu , potrebno investirati u košarsku vrbu   ekapija.com
 2 months ago ()
Serbian    Serbia
2024年中国生物柴油行业供需现状分析 欧盟的需求提升推动行业产能增长 【 组图 】_ 行业研究报告   qianzhan.com
 1 month ago ()
Chinese    China
New insights into the degradation dynamics of organic material in the seafloor   phys.org
 2 months ago ()
English    United States
Biomass Boiler Market : Global Industry Growth Factors , Trends ,   openpr.com
 1 month ago ()
English    United States
Dilatih Digital Marketing , UMKM Bisa Bersaing Bersaing di Era Digital   liputan6.com
 3 weeks ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
重粉尘也不怕 ! 纯电动装载机 , 生物质发电厂的绿色施工利器 _ 企业 _ 资讯 _ 工程机械商贸网   news.21-sun.com
 1 month ago ()
Chinese    China
Renewable Renaissance : Biomass Power Generation on the Rise   openpr.com
 2 weeks ago ()
English    United States
新技术让生物质资源 身价倍增 - 千龙网 · 中国首都网   tech.qianlong.com
 1 month ago ()
Chinese    China
Capacitados 200 funcionarios hispanos sobre biocombustibles   el-carabobeno.com
 2 months ago ()
Spanish    Venezuela
Emiten EBT OASA Catat Kenaikan Pendapatan 121 Persen pada Kuartal I - 2024   money.kompas.com
 1 month ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
重粉尘也不怕 ! 晋工纯电动装载机 , 生物质发电厂的绿色施工利器 _ 产品专栏 _ 资讯 _ 工程机械商贸网   news.21-sun.com
 1 month ago ()
Chinese    China
Slight genetic tweak can increase sugarcane yield by almost 20 %   zmescience.com
 1 month ago ()
English    United States
PLN Gunakan Biomassa untuk Pembangkit Listrik , Ini Manfaat bagi Masyarakat   liputan6.com
 1 month ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
2024年中国生物燃料行业龙头企业分析 卓越新能 : 生物柴油产品产销基本维持平衡 _ 研究报告   bg.qianzhan.com
 4 weeks ago ()
Chinese    China
Synergistic and stepwise treatment of resveratrol and catechol in Haematococcus pluvialis for the overproduction of biomass and astaxanthin | Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts   biotechnologyforbiofuels.biomedcentral.com
 1 month ago ()
English    United States
PLN EPI Gandeng Pemda Banyumas Olah Sampah Jadi Biomassa Cofiring PLTU   mediaindonesia.com
 3 weeks ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
貿易爭端不止 ! 歐盟認定陸生質柴油傾銷 將徵臨時關稅 | 國際焦點 | 國際   money.udn.com
 6 days ago ()
Chinese    Taiwan
IPB University Sebut Program Cofiring Biomassa PLTU Ampuh Gerakan Ekonomi Masyarakat   jawapos.com
 2 months ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
„ Baltpool sezono apžvalga : biokuro kaina krito 40 proc ., šilumos – beveik 20 proc .   lrt.lt
 2 months ago ()
Lithuanian    Lithuania
El biodiésel retrocedió 42 , 2 % y espera por una nueva legislación   ellitoral.com
 3 weeks ago ()
Spanish    Argentina
Ambiente , Assessore Maione : 23milioni per sostituire impianti di riscaldamento inquinanti   affaritaliani.it
 1 week ago ()
Italian    Italy
歐盟對中國生物柴油徵收最高36 . 4 % 的關稅   epochtimes.com
 1 week ago ()
Chinese    China
PLN EPI Maksimalkan Biomassa Melalui Co - Firing , Aksi Nyata Menuju Net Zero Emission 2060   liputan6.com
 3 days ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
Žinia iš Energetikos agentūros : kitą žiemą šildymo kainos turėtų būti panašios   lrt.lt
 2 months ago ()
Lithuanian    Lithuania
Experiencia , eficiencia y seguridad avalan el éxito de Electro - Clisa   lagacetadesalamanca.es
 2 months ago ()
Spanish    Spain
Нафта лишиться в минулому ? Як у світі виготовляють екологічне паливо для літаків , кораблів та авто   epravda.com.ua
 3 days ago ()
Ukrainian    Ukraine
Produrre energia dai rifiuti è possibile ? A cura del dottor Ciro Troncone   salernonotizie.it
 1 month ago ()
Italian    Italy
Япония построит первое в мире судно , работающее на биомассе   korabel.ru
 2 months ago ()
Russian    Russia
我国科学家取得木质纤维素研究新进展   finance.sina.com.cn
 1 month ago ()
Chinese    China
Fine - tuning leaf angle with CRISPR improves sugarcane yield   sciencedaily.com
 1 month ago ()
English    United States
NYK Begins First Long - Term Biofuel Test Run On VLCC   marinelink.com
 2 months ago ()
English    United States
Efficient production of itaconic acid from the single - carbon substrate methanol with engineered Komagataella phaffii | Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts   biotechnologyforbiofuels.biomedcentral.com
 1 week ago ()
English    United States
F - 35 er miljøversting i Forsvaret : – Jeg vil fly på biodrivstoff innen året er omme   nrk.no
 2 months ago ()
Norwegian    Norway
Pemerintah Maksimalkan Pemanfaatan Biomassa demi Net Zero Emission 2060   mediaindonesia.com
 2 days ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
Diolah jadi Biofuel , Minyak Jelantah Indonesia Justru Lebih Laku Dijual ke Luar Negeri   jawapos.com
 1 month ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
NLCIL commences biomass co - firing in Barsingar Thermal Power Station in Rajasthan   thehindu.com
 2 weeks ago ()
English    India
Iduladha 1445 H , Pertamina Tambah Penyaluran Biosolar di Soloraya   bisnis.solopos.com
 1 month ago ()
Indonesian    Indonesia
La svolta del trasporto in mare : navi alimentate con pellet e biomasse   liberta.it
 1 month ago ()
Italian    Italy
O encontro da cozinha e ciência : Conheça a Culinária Medicinal | Gardênia Cavalcanti   odia.ig.com.br
 2 months ago ()
Portuguese    Brazil
BNDES aprova R$ 2 , 6 bi em projetos de financiamentos para biocombustíveis em 2023 , maior valor em 9 anos   brasil247.com
 2 months ago ()
Portuguese    Brazil
The secret weapon that could be a game changer to heat our homes   heraldscotland.com
 1 month ago ()
English    United Kingdom
La Comunidad invertirá 16 millones para la retirada de biomasa del Mar Menor   laverdad.es
 1 month ago ()
Spanish    Spain
El sector de biomasa lanza un SOS para evitar la quiebra de cientos de empresas   eleconomista.es
 2 days ago ()
Spanish    Spain
预见2024 :《 2024年中国生物燃料行业全景图谱 》( 附市场现状 、 竞争格局和发展趋势等 )_ 行业研究报告   qianzhan.com
 1 week ago ()
Chinese    China